Kim Brown

Walk 100K in September

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m walking 100K in September for families facing baby loss

I’ve committed to walking 100K in September for every much-loved baby sadly not here today.  As some of you know, this is something that we've been affected by. This is just a little something I can do to raise money for this wonderful charity. 

Sands ensure that everyone affected by the loss of a baby gets the support they need and deserve when facing the toughest of times. They campaign for change, provide training for midwives and healthcare professionals, and support research so that fewer babies die and so that less families experience the tragedy of losing their baby. Anything you are able to donate means so much.

Thank you.

My Achievements

Updated Profile Picture

Increased Fundraising Target

Shared page

Sent email

Received First Donation

Completed 100km

My Updates

Challenge complete!

Monday 30th Sep
And so the challenge is over... it's flown by! Thank you to everyone for their donations, I'm really pleased to have raised the amount I have!

It'll be odd not tracking my steps so perhaps I'll need to sign up for another challenge...!

100k complete!

Saturday 21st Sep
I'm really chuffed to say I've completed my 100k! I'm going to keep walking & logging my steps until the end of the month so I wonder how many more I'll squeeze in!
It has been nice to do something to raise money for sands & raise awareness of pregnancy loss. It has helped me process my feelings a bit more & I've had some good conversations along the way.
Thank you to those who have donated - I really appreciate your support.

Week 1 done!

Sunday 8th Sep
Hello all! Thank you for your donations - you may have noticed that I have increased my fundraising target twice now thanks to your generosity (and your belief in my ability to do this!)

I am really pleased with how many steps I've managed to complete in Week 1 as being back at work makes it a bit trickier.

I've been struck by how my mentioning of this challenge has prompted some amazingly brave women to share their own stories of baby loss. I think I'm becoming braver & more ready to share my story with more people too so that is another benefit of completing this challenge for Sands.

Day 1

Sunday 1st Sep
Hello all, thanks for your donations! I managed just over 8000 steps today so a good start to the goal of 100k by the end of the month. I might not post everyday but I will keep adding in my steps.

Baby loss is something that affects so many people & yet it still isn't always something people feel they can and/or want to talk about. From my own experience, this can be made harder by people asking THAT question - "when are you going to have a baby?" This can be devastating to hear when you've been trying for years & it is all you want. We need to create a space where it feels safe to discuss this topic - my encouragement to you all is to simply be mindful of your questions & comments.

Thanks again for your donations!

Thank you to my Sponsors


The Quinns

A great achievement for such an amazing cause. Well done Kim! Love from Steph, Brian & Sé


Daniella O’brien

So proud of you, an amazing charity to raise money for too! I’ll be rooting you on every km of the way! Xx


Melissa Devine


Carrie Baguley

Good luck Kim ! Love Mum xx


Kim Brown


The Biltons

With fingers crossed for decent weather all month x


Katharine Finn

Sands is such a great charity. Good luck with your challenge, Kim. 🤞🏻for a mild and dry September. 🚶🏼‍♀️x


Susan Ellen Brown

Very brave and proud for you to do this loss of baby is so heart breaking good luck for the challenge x xx Love Mummy Sue ❤️ xxx


Jaime Thompson

You’ve got this :)


Jenny And Ollie Xx

Well done Kim. Love Jenny and Ollie xx


Jess Smith

Good luck Kim!


Jo Finn

Good luck Kim!


Ian Smith

Go Kim , good luck from all of us. a


Emily Watts

Well done Kim, we are all cheering you on! Xx


Kelly Green


Jodie & Ollie

An amazing cause 💫 Proud of you Kimble🤎


Rosemary Reardon


Andrew Brown

Well done. Love from Andrew, Claire, Isabella and Sophia xx