Zoe Adams

100km in March

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m walking 100km in March for families facing baby loss

I’ve committed to walking 100km in March for every much-loved baby sadly not here today.

Sands ensure that everyone affected by the loss of a baby gets the support they need and deserve when facing the toughest of times. They campaign for change, provide training for midwives and healthcare professionals, and support research so that fewer babies die and so that less families experience the tragedy of losing their baby. Anything you are able to donate means so much.

Thank you.

My Achievements

Updated Profile Picture

Increased Fundraising Target

Shared page

Sent email

Received First Donation

Completed 100km

My Updates

Day 3

Sunday 3rd Mar
15.5 miles so far 💪🏻 

Update day 2

Sunday 3rd Mar
Hi everyone just an update in 2 days I have walked 10 + miles I’m above my goal which is amazing still got 28 days to do to reach the 62 miles I will keep you all upto date with how I’m going 

Thank you to my Sponsors


David Bayliss



Mom Freeman


Hazel Freeman


Adele Cafe



Go on Zo! Such a good cause. Many new parents who have lost will appreciate the new system. You know what it’s like to lose a child and have special things to remember her by. Our Lyla ♥️she’d be proud and so would dad. Go smash it we’re all behind you. Love you sis x


Adibah Dee

Well done Zoe! Wishing you the best in this challenge, it’s such a good cause and you first hand know how it can help others on their journey! Proud of the change you can make and will make! Keep strong and keep pushing, you can do it!!!! Lets goo!


Sandra Bayliss



Diane Mccluskey

Good for you zo xx




Bethany X



Smashed it Show them what you’re made of ♥️