Kerry A’Court

Walk 100K in September

I’m walking 100K in September for families facing baby loss or the loss of a loved one.

I’ve committed to walking 100K in September for every much-loved baby sadly not here today. Just a week before we were going to tell ours boys and have our scan, I miscarried. I feel this process has taught me that the often referred to “safe zone” just isn’t the case and it’s okay to talk to people in those early stages of pregnancy.

A local tattooist designed a beautiful tattoo for me back in June - a heart for my Nan, my gramp, our baby and sealed with a September flower for their birthdays ❤️

We all deal with grief for loved ones or miscarriage in different ways, however Sands ensure that everyone affected by the loss of a baby or those affected by a bereavement gets the support they need and deserve when facing the toughest of times. They campaign for change, provide training for midwives and healthcare professionals, and support research so that fewer babies die and so that less families experience the tragedy of losing their baby. Anything you are able to donate means so much.

Thank you.

My Achievements

Updated Profile Picture

Increased Fundraising Target

Shared page

Sent email

Received First Donation

Completed 100km

My Updates

September 100k steps

Saturday 10th Aug
Talking about pregnancy and baby loss can be difficult, and in all honesty apart from a few close friends/family members and my Davvy it’s not something I’ve done. I’ve decided to raise money for Sands because I feel more awareness around miscarriage and baby loss is needed. 
Sands provide support to people grieving, not only for baby loss, but for parent/grandparent loss.
So please help me teach my target whilst I promise to complete 100k steps in September! 
After all, this is for a good cause ☺️

Thank you to my Sponsors


Natasha Sands