heidi bennett

Run 30K in September

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My target 100 kms

I’m running 30K in September for families facing baby loss

I’ve committed to run 30K in September for every much-loved baby sadly not here today.

How can I not answer the call for fundraising support when SANDS was there for us in our darkest hours?

Anyone who has lost a child and turned to SANDS knows the difference the charity makes,  the lifeline they provide - they help you get through literally hour by hour, day by day - one foot in front of the other when the rest of your body can't make sense of anything.

Having lost Isabella 12 years ago, our hearts broke and we entered a world we were blissfully unaware of. A world where there were thousands of other grieving parents too - all looking for answers, support, help - a way through.

To know you aren't alone on this path to a different life is both reassuring and painful.  You may not be alone but you now know the world of grief and suffering of others too.

So many women I knew in my personal life started to tell me they had experienced similar loss, but it wasn't spoken about 'back then', and their grief remains unchanged.  Our grief remains unchanged for a daughter we never got to know.

So many facebook groups  for 'angel mummies' never previously discovered...and so many women, men, siblings, grandparents all trying to support one another and try and make sense of 'why me? us? them?'  To discover eventually, it's not your fault -  there is no sense in it.  

Isabella wasn't our first loss, we lost another baby at Christmas 2005 - an early 'missed miscarriage'.   Again, so many people we know have struggled with multiple losses too. The 'stage' of loss, doesn't diminish the pain, grief and sadness.

This is why SANDS is so important to us.  We have far too many friends that have needed SANDS as well, and we know some are also fundraising directly.  

BUT, If  you are not fundraising directly and you can afford a pound or two, please consider this worthy cause.

Thank you so much, I know I have fundraised in Isabella's memory before, but II'm compelled to do so.  I hope  you can understand why.

ABOUT Sands 

They ensure that everyone affected by the loss of a baby gets the support they need and deserve when facing the toughest of times. They campaign for change, provide training for midwives and healthcare professionals, and support research so that fewer babies die and so that less families experience the tragedy of losing their baby. 

My Achievements

Updated Profile Picture

Increased Fundraising Target

Shared page

Sent email

Received First Donation

Completed 30K

My Updates

Raising for SANDS

Monday 2nd Sep
In memory of Isabella

Thank you to my Sponsors





Bonne chance!


Susan Gullick

Good Luck Heidi