Eleanor Griffin

Ribbon Run

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I’m taking part in Sands Ribbon Run

I’m taking part in Sands Ribbon Run this Baby Loss Awareness Week 9-15 October.

Support me as I take on 5, 10 or 15km in support of Sands, helping them to continue to build a world where more babies survive and more families receive the happy ending they deserve.

Ribbon Run is a sponsored run, walk or jog where thousands of people come together to remember their babies and raise funds for Sands. It’s free to sign up and it’s up to you how you take part. You can run it, walk it, push it, or jog it; alone or with friends and family.

By sponsoring me, you are helping Sands break the silence around baby loss and to continue to save babies’ lives.

£3 - could provide a Sands birth certificate for a baby whose birth cannot be registered through a register office.

£10 - could provide a bereaved family with a support pack and resources when they need it the most

£10 - could provide a hand and footprint kit to help create memories

£20 - could provide a bereaved family with a memory box to help create and keep safe precious and lasting memories of their baby

£35 - could answer a call from someone reaching out for support who has been through pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.

£100 - could help ensure every hospital in the UK has a dedicated Sands volunteer to help healthcare professionals access our training, guidance and support.

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Raised £100

Raised £150

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

Proudly wearing my t-shirt to the gym!

Wednesday 28th Aug
My Ribbon Run t-shirt arrived a couple of weeks ago. I'm now proudly wearing this at the gym. Getting ever more confident I can do this 5k now 💛

Our story

Tuesday 23rd Jul
On 14th May 2024 our pregnancy came to a crashing end when we were told our baby girl did not have a heartbeat. 
After being in hospital for a couple of days, becoming very sick and having multiple attempts to induce labour, our daughter Rhylee was born 20th May 2024. 
Since this date myself and Jordon have been trying to navigate a situation we never thought we'd be in. 
SANDS as a charity has been nothing but amazing with their love and support. My plan is to walk 5k or more (I may even swim some of it) all to raise money for the charity! 
I'd be very grateful of any donations to help others in a similar situation we found ourselves in. 
This is for Rhylee 💛

Thank you to my Sponsors




Mum And Dad

So proud of both you and Jordon.


Aaron Matthews


Tim Buckland

Good Luck Ellie Tim & Nat x


Eleanor Griffin


Adam Griffin





Ben, Lorna & Pixie

You have our support, Love Lorna, Ben & Pixie xx



Fully support this and you baby loss is heartbreaking 💛


Lia Parker