Chloe Phillips

Ribbon Run

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My target 10 kms

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I’m taking part in Sands Ribbon Run

I’m taking part in Sands Ribbon Run this Baby Loss Awareness Week 9-15 October.

Support me as I take on 5, 10 or 15km in support of Sands, helping them to continue to build a world where more babies survive and more families receive the happy ending they deserve.

Ribbon Run is a sponsored run, walk or jog where thousands of people come together to remember their babies and raise funds for Sands. It’s free to sign up and it’s up to you how you take part. You can run it, walk it, push it, or jog it; alone or with friends and family.

By sponsoring me, you are helping Sands break the silence around baby loss and to continue to save babies’ lives.

£3 - could provide a Sands birth certificate for a baby whose birth cannot be registered through a register office.

£10 - could provide a hand and footprint kit to help create memories.

£20 - could provide a bereaved family with a memory box to help create and keep safe precious and lasting memories of their baby.

£35 - could answer a call from someone reaching out for support who has been through pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.

£100 - could help ensure every hospital in the UK has a dedicated Sands volunteer to help healthcare professionals access our training, guidance and support.

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Raised £100

Raised £150

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

My experience

Saturday 3rd Aug

2 pregnancies and 2 years of sorrow. 

2 pregnancies and 2 devastating trips to the EPU. 

2 pregnancies and 2 heartbreaking scans. 

2 pregnancies and 2 aching, empty arms. 

2 pregnancies yet no babies. 

I have a wonderful family, a loving and supportive partner, caring and generous friends; I have so much good in my life, but there’s a baby shaped hole and the pain it inflicts is visceral. 

I never spoke openly about my first miscarriage, I hadn’t even told most people I was pregnant by the time a scan confirmed our baby’s heart wasn’t beating. But of the few close friends and family I did speak to after, most of them had gone through something similar or knew someone that had. Hearing about the experiences of these other women really did help me feel less alone in my grief. 

Notably, someone I love shared that they had lost their first baby. They also told me that had this not happened, their youngest would never have been born - another person whom I love very much - and this helped bring them comfort. It’s become increasingly hard to believe that ‘everything happens for a reason’ but this really struck a chord with me and I was so grateful for finally opening up and talking. 

With that in mind… 

I lost my second baby on July 24th 2024.

We found out on Josh’s birthday that I was pregnant, I had celotaped a dip test inside a card with the words “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY”. We were thrilled and I saw it as a good omen. Heading into our 12 week scan I was completely convinced that the first time had been a fluke, just bad luck. This time there were no signs that anything was wrong. I had no bleeding but did have all the common symptoms like nausea, exhaustion, sore breasts and needing to wee all the time. I remember being grateful for feeling so horrid every day; I saw these as good signs. We had also paid for a private reassurance scan at 7 weeks where we saw our baby and a tiny beating heart - I felt complete relief for a second and then pure elation. I was so convinced this time was going to go smoothly that I bought a personalised blanket with Baby Clarke sewn into it. 

This is now tucked away under our bed and out of sight, but I know it’s there when I wake up crying at 3am. Now it’s just waiting for a baby Clarke to come along, like me. 

The 5 weeks between scans felt like 5 years, I was so excited to see our fully formed baby and actually hear the heartbeat this time. My excitement was short-lived; I knew within seconds that it was happening all over again. The tiny white blob on the screen looked exactly like my first baby and only a tiny bit bigger than when we had seen them at the previous scan. It felt like someone had punched the air out of me and had ripped my heart out of my chest. 

Sobbing, we were taken to the EPU where my options were explained to me. I could have an operation or I could take some tablets and miscarry at home naturally but either way I needed medical management, unlike the first time, as my body hadn’t registered my loss. 

I’ve never hated my own body as much as I do right now. 

While trying to conceive it felt like every twinge in my lower abdomen was a ploy to convince me that I was having implantation pain and I was pregnant… only to be disappointed when my period arrived. Now I actually had conceived my body failed to do what it should and grow a healthy baby, but more than that it tricked me into thinking I was. I have a video of me surprising some of my friends with the news, I know now that my baby had already died inside me by that point and watching it back feels like a cruel joke. 

I opted for the tablets, I had miscarried at home before so I thought I knew what to expect and the idea of general anaesthetic freaked me out. I took the tablet to stop me producing progesterone at the hospital and then 2 days later I took another 4 tablets to start the process. I won’t go into the gory detail, but I had a dreadful reaction, I was violently sick and lost too much blood too quickly, subsequently passing out 3 times, all I will say is thank god for Josh and my parents. 

Grieving for someone you never actually met seems silly and maybe that’s why I didn’t feel comfortable talking about it the first time. I didn’t even feel comfortable calling them my babies, but that is what they were. I’d also say things like well at least we know we can conceive that’s half the battle or I should feel lucky that it happened earlier rather than later in the pregnancy. What part of this is lucky? Why do I feel the need to diminish my grief? I’m not sure why but I know I’m not the only one. 

It’s hard to be or think positive right now. My body is still recovering from the trauma and I’m not sure this aching feeling will leave me until I finally get my rainbow baby. I can be having an okay day, I may have even laughed at something one of the dogs is doing and then I’ll see the punnet of kiwis Josh bought home from work because of some random TikTok that said a kiwi a day helps a baby’s brain development. I’m back in the scan room getting the air knocked out of me all over again. 

However, I’m hoping that focusing on and training for this run will pull me out of this depression, force me to get out of the flat and help put my body in a better physical position to conceive again and get to full term. The money raised for Sands to continue the extremely important work they do is just an added bonus. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this pity party post, visiting and sharing my fundraiser page and for all the donations! writing this has actually been really cathartic. 

I want to quickly say that Josh, you have been my unwavering rock, I would never have gotten through any of this without you. What may have torn some couples apart has only made me love and appreciate you more. I am so sorry you’re going through this too, you deserve all the happiness in the world. 

Finally, to anyone else in the trenches  grieving the loss of a child/pregnancy please feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to who knows how you feel. I always have time for a chat or a coffee date! 💓

Thank you to my Sponsors


Alex Manser-jeffery

We are so proud of your bravery in speaking so honestly about what you and Josh have been through in losing two babies 🪽 you have raised such an incredible amount for a truly brilliant cause 🫶🏻


Grace And Jamie

You’re one of the strongest I’ve ever met! This is for a great cause. Thank you for sharing. Lots of love xx


Alex Smith



Charlie Phillips

A little help from all 4 of us we love you so much and we’re so proud of you x


Kate And Martin

Well done Chloe Lots of love ❤️


Denise Mitchell

Dearest Chloe, I haven’t got many words to share just love and understanding. Xxxx


Iqbal Alam

Chloe this is a fantastic cause! I am super proud of you for taking this great initiative and I pray




Tanya Williams

Sending love xx


Zoe Clarke

Wishing you and your team the best of luck. You’ve got this 💪🏻 Lots of love from us all xxx


Niamh Mcgrenaghan

Well done for supporting such an important charity. Sponsoring you in honour of my son, Jesse 🩵🩵🩵


Ryan Allan-telford

You've got this !! It will be easier than a day at work !!


Luke Andrews


Corinne Moocarme

Thank you for sharing your loss Chloe. I hope that your run is successful and your dreams of starting a family come true.


Holly Hope

Wow what an inspirational piece, I wish you all the luck in the world Chlo. Lots of love from us all x


Vanya D

Cheering you on x


Megan Bithel-vaughan

Chloe, I know we've not caught up in ages but I'm so sorry you've been going through this - if you need distracting with a coffee/drink/chat I'm here xxxx


Nicola Lawrenve

I’m so sorry for your loss Chloe, you are so brave for speaking up about it and raising awareness for such a huge reality for many. Sending all my love and thoughts to you and Josh ❤️


Hettu Fenner

Good luck to you all ❤️



You’ve got this B! Your strength, determination and dedication is so powerful. 💖


Nicky And Jon Austin

Good luck Chloe and Josh, such a great cause , sending you both lots of love ❤️



wishing you all the best 💕


Alison Evans

Good Luck Chloe, what an amazing cause this is. Thinking of you both. Lots of Love Ali, Mark and Brienne xxx


Eleanor & James X


Amina Yousaf

Good luck Chloe! I'm so sorry for your loss. I admire your strength and hope you know we're supporting you every step of the way!! <3


Xuan Hou


Amy Barker-starr

Thank you for running for hope x


Shannon Hogan


Milli Jeffery

So brave to share your story Chloe 🥲 Well done you to raise the awareness and raise much needed funds for SANDS.



Good luck Chloe and team Phillips you’re going to smash it! Xx


Malcolm Jeffery


Isaac Roberts


James Ringwood

Dear Chloe, I saw your message on the Lewisham Viva page and was so moved. What a great thing to do, to raise money for a charity like this. I wish you all the very best.


Pat Adekoya


Tom Mirchell


Paul Joyce

Good luck Chloe. Congratulations for raising awareness for such an important cause, and the encouragement and strength it may bring out in others. Keep on keeping on.


Martin O'brien

Thank you for sharing your story and raising awareness of this cause. Sending hope and positivity to you through this donation.


Margo Lawrence

Wishing you the very best.


Sue East

Thinking of my first grandbaby who didn't survive pregnancy and expressing gratitude for their rainbow sister who's now four. Thank you on behalf of my son and his wife for the valuable support provided by Sands.



Good luck, such a great cause and sending lots of love!


Jean (livvy’s Auntie)



Chris D’sa



Really sorry to hear, Chloe. This sounds like one of the most difficult things to have to go through. Good luck for your training and keeping fingers crossed for your rainbow baby.




Mrs.anna.wigington Wigington

Lv you very proud of you lv auntie annie xx


William Hall

A very brave story to share Chloe. A topic which really isn’t spoken about enough, our thoughts are with you and your family! Good luck on your fundraiser for a fantastic cause! Will and Zoë


Laurne Elsley

This is amazing Chloe. Thank you for raising awareness xx



Hope you beat your target Chloe 😀


Sermica Dickson

Thinking of you. I am here if you need me x


Emily Hope

Well done on fundraising for such an incredible cause!


Caris Ford

Good luck, so proud of you💗💗💗




Maria Skitini



Chloe Moriarty



Nicky Irons


Connie Smith

Good luck Chlo, well done for raising money for such an important charity 💖




Carly Roberts

Sending love and good luck for the run xx Carly


Jodie Somm

Good luck xxx


Charlotte Fairbrass

Good luck Chloe! All for an amazing cause… you’ve got this! X


Jenny Bojang

So moved by your story


Chelsey Pavey

You are so inspiring turning your pain into something that could help others. I wish you all the best, I know you’re going to smash it!


Sophie, Jack And Henry

Sending you both lots of love from us all ❤️





Julie Milo-pears

Thank you for sharing you story X


Sian Gillespie

Good Luck Chloe! You will absolutely smash it x


Clare Weaser

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure it will help many people. It is certainly a lonely time but I hope you become a parent soon.


Jamila Hadi

Thinking of you Chloe & well done for raising money for such a good cause 💖



Good luck Chloe for your walk


Chloe Phillips


Joanna Ecclestone


Carole Moody


Julie Nash

Dear Chloe, I saw your message on the LBL Viva engaged page and was so moved by your story. Good luck on your run to raise money to help others. I wish you all the very best for the future.


Maisie Conetta

Your blog brought tears to my eyes, what a brave gorgeous girl you are! Smash the run, I’ll be cheering you on from afar xxx


Ruth Coulson


Grace Sowrey

Sending so much love Chloe, always here if you need! Miss you xxx


Melanie Dawson

Good luck Chloe


Mandy Blackley

Good luck


Luke Beb


Laura Brian (nellie 🐶)

Good Luck Chloe and team sending lots of love Laura and Nellie 🐶 xxx


Shola Ojo

Wishing you all the best Chloe


Faye Agbalaya


Tharmini Poopalasingham

Thinking of you Chloe. Best wishes


Tracy Flegg

Chloe, your story really touched my heart, I am so sorry you have gone through this terrible heartache and I so hope that you get your dream soon. Good luck with the run!

