
Ribbon Run

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I’m taking part in Sands Ribbon Run

I’m taking part in Sands Ribbon Run this Baby Loss Awareness Week 9-15 October.

Support me as I take on 10km in support of Sands, helping them to continue to build a world where more babies survive and more families receive the happy ending they deserve.

Ribbon Run is a sponsored run, walk or jog where thousands of people come together to remember their babies and raise funds for Sands. It’s free to sign up and it’s up to you how you take part. You can run it, walk it, push it, or jog it; alone or with friends and family.

By sponsoring me, you are helping Sands break the silence around baby loss and to continue to save babies’ lives.

£3 - could provide a Sands birth certificate for a baby whose birth cannot be registered through a register office.

£10 - could provide a hand and footprint kit to help create memories.

£20 - could provide a bereaved family with a memory box to help create and keep safe precious and lasting memories of their baby.

£35 - could answer a call from someone reaching out for support who has been through pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.

£100 - could help ensure every hospital in the UK has a dedicated Sands volunteer to help healthcare professionals access our training, guidance and support.

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Raised £100

Raised £150

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

My Story

Thursday 3rd Oct
I never considered myself an overly maternal person and have always been terrified at the thought of pregnancy.  Safe to say I was surprised when last year a pregnancy test came back positive... it was a lot of mixed emotions seeing those lines appear. At first, I won't lie, myself and my partner were scared and kept asking ourselves ..were we ready for this?  With support from friends and family we realised that our fears were completely irrational and infact many around us felt the same way when they were about to become first time parents.  Our fears then turned to excitement, thinking ahead of what our future would now be as a family. We were so looking forward to our first scan! 

The 12 week mark came around pretty quick and we were off to the hospital to see our baby for the first time. I didn't know what to expect but when i saw that image for the first time, i fell completely in love. All the worries i'd had disappeared in that moment and i was beaming from ear to ear, overcome with happiness... that was until i saw the sonographer's face who looked incredibly concerned and that brief moment of pure joy faded very quickly....

We were told that our baby had a much higher NT fluid level than normal and that follow up tests would be required. After going through a number of blood tests and days of waiting anxiously, hoping for good news, we were told that there was a 50% chance of Down's syndrome and 1/15 chance of either Edwards of Pataus. I felt numb. I couldn't understand how this could happen when we were both two young, healthy adults.  

We were then referred to a fetal medical unit for further scans and were still hoping that somehow, someone must have got it wrong. On the day of our scan we couldn't believe what we saw. The doctor pointed out two large cysts either side of our baby's neck. He told us that this was incredibly rare and infact he'd only seen a couple of cases like this- I was heartbroken. We were told that because these cysts were so rare, there hadn't been enough medical research into them to understand the cause, however they tended to be linked to serious health issues and there was a high risk of miscarriage.  

After weeks of considering all possible options, listening to medical advice and hearing that the baby could likely have serious health problems, we sadly had to make the most awful decision to end the pregnancy.  We were both completely devastated and did our best to come to terms with what was coming next.

Whilst we received phenomenal support from the clinic who had understood our journey, unfortunately on the day of the procedure, we were met with protestors who were much less understanding. 

 I spent weeks afterwards in tears and wanting to shut myself off from the world. I was in a state of disbelief that this was my first experience of pregnancy and wondering how everything had gone so wrong. 

Luckily , through the support of my partner, friends and family, eventually I was able to look back on my scan photos and smile. Whilst we never got to hold our baby, hear them cry or see them smile ... we loved our little bean dearly and still grieve our loss. 

This year I want to take part in the Ribbon Run to remember our little bean and what would have been their first birthday.

To anyone out there who has had to make that difficult decision, for whatever reason, my heart goes out to you but I promise that there are brighter days ahead x 

Thank you to my Sponsors



Great cause HWTL


Josephine S

Wishing you all well in fundraising for this charity !


Sam Matthews

So proud of you for doing this, sharing your story with others to help and going through the worst thing possible and still coming out the other side. You are so beautiful inside and out and are loved by so many people. Youll smash this - have no doubt.


Leslie Mcardle


Bethany Guard

Lots of love and well done for running for such a good cause x


Rosetta Mullett And Trevor Mullett

We are so proud of you our beautiful niece/god-daughter Well done Anty We love you lots Parino and Parino ❤️




Hannah Tapley

So proud of you Anty, this is a lovely way to honour and remember your little bean. You’ve been so brave with everything you have faced. Go smash this run girl, well be backing you all the way! x


Lynne Mcgrail

So proud of you Antonella for signing up for this event and for sharing your story to help others who are going through such a difficult time. Sending love and hugs 🤗 ❤️ x


Kirsty Oliver-newell


Jenna Keeling

Amazing charity. Go smash it 💗




Anna Couldwell


Megan Eardley


Tom And Lucy

Thinking of you as you do this walk you're so brave for being so honest with your story proud of you go and smash it. Lots of love Tom and Lucy.


Becca Painter

It's incredibly brave to share your story <3 best of luck for the run


Legacybee Ltd

Well done Anty! xxx


Sean Adams






Edward Anton


Danna Gurbaxani

Thank you for sharing your story, giving voice to your experience and to many others who are coping with baby loss. It takes unbelievable bravery not only to endure such this tragic event but also to vocalise it.


Max Walters

Go smash it Ella, you'll always have my support!


Hannah H.

Thank you for sharing your story, Ella. <3


Dave Rose


Becky Buggs

The most awful thing to happen to the most wonderful person. I am in awe of you're bravery and how you have handled the most heartbreaking situation. What a wonderful thing to do to remember your little bean and help others who find themselves in the most devastating circumstance. So proud of you Anty xx


Sam Broadbent


Jodie Thomas

You are very brave Ella, thank you for sharing your story.



Great cause.


Chloe Downing


Francesca Pilato

My beautiful sister, You have been so brave with everything you’ve gone through and yet still came out the other side shining so bright. Your little bean will always be a part of our hearts and will always be so loved by us all. Good luck on your run, I will be there supporting you the whole way ❤️


Stu Blemings

Smash it ella 🖤🤍


Nick Popovici


Katie Nutter

❤️strong girl for sharing your story. Well done for running for such a great cause. Lots of love xxx


Rhiannon Greaves



Izaac Thaw