Ainsley Paterson

Ribbon Run

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I’m taking part in Sands Ribbon Run

This year is very poignant for myself & my Husband Craig as it marks 10 years since we lost our beautiful baby girl.

Beth Jane Paterson was born sleeping on 12th October 2014 at 4.58pm weighing 5lbs 10oz at 35 weeks.

She was just perfect. There was no rhyme or reason for her dying other than that her heart stopped beating.

It was the most despairing time and having to give birth in the labour ward was simply awful however due to the wonderful charity SANDS (Stillbirth and neonatal death society) we were provided with a special family room once I had given birth.  This is a beautiful room dedicated to those suffering from such tragedy where we could spend time with Beth along with her extended family. It was so special and helped us more than we knew at the time. We were well cared for by the staff at Crosshouse Maternity Unit and SANDS had donated Memory Boxes and we were given one for Beth. This Memory Box contained a beautiful handmade purse and that is where we have a lock of Beth’s gorgeous dark hair, there was a little teddy bear, a candle and a memory card for photograph’s that the midwife took for us.  We have added our own items to this too  – the top I was wearing when I last held her, the blanket she last lay on,  the dress I wore to her funeral, little gifts and cards from my friends and various other keepsakes. We cherish this Memory Box.

We felt that with it being Beth’s 10th Birthday that we would like to mark it in a different way and raise some funds for SANDS and when I had a look on SANDS website coincidentally, they are holding a Fundraising Event across the UK called ‘Ribbon Run’ which falls on Beth’s Birthday!

What is Ribbon Run?

Ribbon Run is a sponsored virtual 5, 10 or 15km run, walk or jog.
Thousands of people come together to remember their babies and raise funds for Sands.

Craig and I will go to Strathclyde Park on the morning of the 12th of October and will most likely walk (as we are both unfit!)and take time to remember our special Angel.

If we raise £160 by 31 October we will be issued with a certificate and medal which we would really like to add to Beth’s Memory Box. It will just be nice to do something for her.

We are not expecting much but even if we could have the majority donate £1 then this would go a long way. Every little really does help.

It would mean the world to us if others who have had to go through what we have can at least get a Memory Box as we know how precious it is.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Raised £100

Raised £150

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Daniel Kevin Queen


Les And Jacqui

In memory of our beautiful wee rosebud Beth Jane. Love from Gran Jacqui and Papa Les xxx



A fantastic cause a really nice way to remember Beth.


Audrey Christie

Beth would be so proud of her mum and dad. Sending lots of love ❤️


Scott Docherty

Well done and good luck, remember to take Craig's inhaler and a spare pair of pants for yourself.


Sharon Meek

Good luck to you both, very worthy cause. Proud of you guys. Lots of love from Sharon, Aimee and Hannah xx


Gerard Deeley

Good luck


Wendy Taylor

So much has happened in the last decade, but Beth you are always in our hearts. So proud of you ainsley and Craig, such a special thing to do particularly as it's on Beth's birthday. Love you always, Wendy, Andrew, Layla, Aria and Brodie xxxxx💜



For Beth...From Auntie Jean


Maureen Hewitt

Dear Ainsley, More than happy to donate to a wonderful cause in memory of Beth. Biggest of hugs xxx


Helen Clark-hewitt

So proud of you x




Andy Fraser


Anne Paterson


Mark Cooney

Good luck to both of you for the walk.


Callum Paterson


Nicola Mcwhinnie

So proud of you both, you’ll smash it 💪 Xxx


Nikki & Greig Ramage


Lisa Aitken

Super proud of you ❤️ a wonderful cause to remember your precious wee princess ✨️ she will always shine bright for you all 🤍


Rachel Marjoribanks


Abin Sam


Stephen Maguire


Angela Borland



What an amazing thing to be doing Ainsley and such a wonderful cause 😍


Claire Theanne



Much love x



A lovely thing to do for an amazing charity 💜 in honour of beautiful Beth. Much love xxx


Christine Stevenson

Lots of love from Christine, Greig and the boys xxx


Elizabeth Furie

What an amazing thing to do to remember Beth on her birthday this year. A wonderful cause that helps so many families. Lots of love xx


Sharon Cawley

In memory of your wee doll xxx


Geraldine Agnew


Helen Marshall

Wonderful that your both doing this in memory of Beth and on her birthday xx


Morna Bell


Oliver Macsorley

Good luck on the run/walk! All the best, Oli






Lorna Tweedie


David Mcmahon


F Swan


Michaela Mcilwaine




I'm a great believer in the fable of the Tortoise and Hare, Slow and steady always beats hasty and over confident. Hope the weather holds up for you, You'll smash it out the park Ainsley !


Laura Mclay



Donna Forster

For gorgeous Beth xx



A special way to remember precious Beth. Sending all our love and support.


Keri Mulholland


Irene Henderson


Donald Lawson


Neil Mclaren


Craig And Elaine Henson

Well done, much love to you all xx


Gillian Miller


Claire Gibson


Ed Stewart

Best of luck to you both. Great charity to support.


Kayleigh Johnston

Love to you all Ainsley!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Angus Collins


Lauren Cunningham

Such a beautiful thing to do for Beth’s memory


Mark Mcinnes


Graeme Hogarth

Good luck Craig and Ainsley - what a great thing to do for a fantastic cause.


Nikki, Martin, Aimee And Bobbi Xxx

Ainsley and Craig, you are both 2 of the strongest people I know. What an amazing thing to do to honour Beth and raise money for an wonderful charity. Your such an inspiration and courageous human beings who we love very much xxx


Dominic Mcelroy

Good luck Craig


Ross Macleod


Alan Moffat

Good luck guys!


Kenny Gibson

Well done and good luck :-)


Phil Macfarlane

Just read your blog and saw that the run is taking place on Beth's birthday! This was obviously meant to be. Bless you both and your beautiful family. Sending lots of love. Phil xxx


Shona Henderson


Gillian Kerr

What a wonderful cause. I'm sure Beth is so proud of her Mummy and Daddy. Xxx


Heather Reid




Graeme Miller


Neil Inglis


Mark Shields

Well done Ainsley in supporting this wonderful charity!


Lorraine Logan


Louise Lumsden


Emma Mcalister


Laura Mcbrearty


Rebecca Cheetham

Sending my love to you all ❤️


Steven R


Laura Paterson

As I've said before Ainsley, you're the strongest person I know & Beth will be so proud of her Mummy & Daddy, as am I. XxX


Suzanne And John Gray

Well done guys


Karen Steel And Family



Evelyn Paterson

Great cause Ainsley & Craig, lovely thing to do in memory of Beth x


David Muir

Great cause, Good luck!


Chloe Niven


Clare Mclaren

What a lovely thing to do for an amazing charity. I can't believe it's on Beth's birthday 💕 I will be thinking about you and Beth on the 12th xxx


Elaine Paterson

Good Luck you two. Great charity. X


Shirley Bell

This is an amazing cause supporting families going through the absolute worst.


Lesley Reid

Good luck to you both, I'm sure your little angel will be with yous all the way. 🤗


Lesley Mcalister

Good luck Ainsley ❤️


Lorna Rafferty


Aileen Brown

Good luck ❤️❤️


Maria Bowcott


Margaret & David Smith


Alice & Jim Smith




Bruce Abernethy


Greg Valente

Fantastic cause guys x


Angie Mcwilliams

Beth would be so proud of her mummy and daddy. These rooms and boxes help more than people know. All our love as always. X


Sonia Malaisé

In Loving Memory of Beth, until you meet again- With God's blessings xxx


Diane Mcmanus


Holly Deerness

Wishing you both good luck!


Helen Cornelius

All the best to you both, well done for fundraising for such a special cause. xx






B Russell